Why apply for our Contestable Fund Grants? Hear from 2021 recipient Storylines

Why apply for our Contestable Fund Grants? Hear from 2021 recipient Storylines

Last year, Storylines Children’s Literature Charitable Trust received a CLNZ Contestable Fund Grant towards the 2022 New Zealand Children’s Writers and Illustrators’ National Hui. Storylines Trust Executive Officer Anne de Lautour talks about the decision to apply and how the grant helped to deliver a successful hui earlier this year.

Why apply for our Contestable Fund Grants?  Hear from 2021 recipient Storylines

"The CLNZ Contestable Fund Grant helped greatly … we were able to curate a programme that attracted top creative talent, and was relevant, popular and eagerly anticipated by children's writers and illustrators.” – Anne de Lautour, Storylines Children’s Literature Charitable Trust

Last year, Storylines Children’s Literature Charitable Trust, Te Whare Waituhi o Aotearoa, received a CLNZ Contestable Fund Grant towards the 2022 New Zealand Children’s Writers and Illustrators’ National Hui. Storylines Trust Executive Officer Anne de Lautour talks about the decision to apply and how the grant helped to deliver a successful hui earlier this year.

Why did you decide to apply?
We knew there was a need for a Storylines Hui in 2022. Our hui are professional development and networking opportunities for Aotearoa New Zealand authors and illustrators who create books for children and young adults. Books written, illustrated and published in Aotearoa New Zealand impact positively on literacy, help children to develop empathy and offer young readers connection. So, providing regular growth opportunities to the authors and illustrators who create them is vital.

A 2022 hui was even more significant because, for many, it would be the first time in a long while that they had been able to come together face-to-face to discuss craft, publishing and their experience in the sector. It was important to create a programme that would excite writers and illustrators and offer the strongest and broadest range of experience. We needed to be able to attract award-winning authors, illustrators and other experts from around the country to facilitate sessions, lead workshops and deliver keynotes. So, we sought funding.

We applied for CLNZ Contestable Fund because its objectives fit well with ours. The Fund is aimed at the growth and development of the book sector and projects which develop the professional skills of writers, are specifically mentioned in the guidelines. In addition, the funding process allows applicants to set and make a case for the amount sought for the project, rather than setting a specific grant value.

How did the grant help?
The CLNZ Contestable Fund Grant helped greatly. Knowing this funding was in place was a real boost for the team in the initial planning and programming stages. We were able to curate a programme that attracted top creative talent, and was relevant, popular and eagerly anticipated by children's and young adult writers and illustrators.

More than 100 Aotearoa New Zealand writers and illustrators attended the hui from 15 to 17 July 2022. Presenters ranging from Te Awhi Rito New Zealand Reading Ambassador Ben Brown to award-winning authors and illustrators like Mandy Hager, Vasanti Unka and Donovan Bixley shared their experiences, covering everything from elements of craft, to finding publishers and agents locally and internationally.

The hui provided a platform for ideas and experience to be shared. It also helped to reconnect and foster closer relationships between many of the writers and illustrators in attendance. These connections and the sharing of ideas and experience, in turn, contribute to the wealth of talent, professionalism and the ensuing quality of output for Aotearoa New Zealand artists.

The Contestable Fund is open for 2022. This year a total of $75,000 is available for strategic projects that demonstrate publishing sector growth. Read more here >>

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